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Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Clear Crystal With Dura™ Foiling Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Clear Crystal With Dura™ Foiling

Quantity (2 options):
Metal Setting Attached (6 options):
Clear Crystal:
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Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color With Dura™ Foiling Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color With Dura™ Foiling

Quantity (2 options):
Metal Setting Attached (6 options):
Color (61 options):
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Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Crystal Effect With Dura™ Foiling Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Crystal Effect With Dura™ Foiling

Quantity (2 options):
Metal Setting Attached (6 options):
Crystal (Coated) (22 options):
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Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color (Coated) With Dura™ Foiling Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color (Coated) With Dura™ Foiling

Quantity (2 options):
Metal Setting Attached (6 options):
Colour (Coated) (63 options):
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Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color Unfoiled Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color Unfoiled

Quantity (2 options):
Metal Setting Attached (6 options):
Color (2 options):
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Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Crystal Effect Unfoiled Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Crystal Effect Unfoiled

Quantity (2 options):
Metal Setting Attached (6 options):
Crystal (Coated) (6 options):
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Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color (Coated) Unfoiled Preciosa MC Chaton Rose MAXIMA Flat-Back Stone (438 11 615) SS10 - Color (Coated) Unfoiled

Quantity (2 options):
Metal Setting Attached (6 options):
Colour (Coated):
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** Limited Quantity/Special Order Item. Minimum Order Quantity may applies.
Special Order Colors
Sys No.
Unit In Stock MOQ SURQ
4025005Rose MAXIMA ss10 jet DF BrF3$66.36USD1,440057,600-Add✔
4026347Rose MAXIMA ss10 lt.ameth HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4026359Rose MAXIMA ss10 olivine HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4026377Rose MAXIMA ss10 jonquil HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4026379Rose MAXIMA ss10 citrine HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4059106Rose MAXIMA ss10 purp.v. HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4059109Rose MAXIMA ss10 chrysol HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4059113Rose MAXIMA ss10 gr.tourm HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4059128Rose MAXIMA ss10 ruby HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4255432Rose MAXIMA ss10 crystal Hel3$61.91USD1,440036,000-Add✔
4255483Rose MAXIMA ss10 lt.topaz HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4255491Rose MAXIMA ss10 padparad HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4268079Rose MAXIMA ss10 l.sm.top HF AB3$79.72USD1,440043,200-Add✔
4709939Rose MAXIMA ss10 d.rose DF AB3$66.36USD1,4408,6407,200-Add✔
4709940Rose MAXIMA ss10 d.rose HF AB3$79.72USD1,44015,84043,200-Add✔
4710019Rose MAXIMA ss10 r.peach HF AB3$79.72USD1,44023,04043,200-Add✔
4789236Rose MAXIMA ss10 ac.yellow HF AB3$79.72USD1,44036,00043,200-Add✔
4806560Rose MAXIMA ss10 lil.ash DF AB3$66.36USD1,44010,0807,200-Add✔
4806577Rose MAXIMA ss10 lil.ash HF AB3$79.72USD1,44020,16043,200-Add✔
4844343Rose MAXIMA ss10 mint g. DF AB3$66.36USD1,44011,5207,200-Add✔
4844395Rose MAXIMA ss10 mint g. HF AB3$79.72USD1,44018,72043,200-Add✔

Program (PG)
  • In Regular Production
  • In Regular Production (Will Stop Soon)
  • Out of Production: Selling remaining stock. If no stock, special production possible (conditions apply**)
  • Out of Production: Selling remaining stock only. No production possible.

Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
    **Minimum order quantity (MOQ) does not apply when there is sufficient "in stock" quantity available. However, please note stock status may not be always up to date. For out of production items, 25% surcharge applies unless:
  • the surcharge-free quantity (SURQ) can be met, or
  • there is sufficient stock available.

Product Description (Item)
    Example: 4328 MM 10.0X 6.0 CRYSTAL F
  • 4328: model number of the article/shape
  • MM: unit of the size
  • 10.0X 6.0: size
  • CRYSTAL: color
  • F: indicates item is FOILED. Without this, the item is UNFOILED